The Douglas Public Schools use the OneCall Now calling system for parent communications. This system will provide instant phone message capability to all families in the district.
To make changes to your contact information for the OneCall system, please use this form: OneCall Updates
If your answering machine cuts off the OneCall message you can call in to play it back.
Retrieving Your Messages
1. Dial 877-698-3261, 866-321-4255, or 614-384-2335 from any touch-tone telephone.
2. At the greeting press 1, and then enter the phone number that OneCall Now normally calls.
3. If your message requires that you enter a touch-tone reply, press the appropriate key for your answer.
You can also go to the OneCall site to remove your phone number.
OneCall Now
To sign up to receive text messages Text the word Alert to 22300
Click on the speaker icon above to hear the latest message from the Douglas Public Schools |